Even if a hammer mill is properly designed and well matched to its required job, it may not perform well if it is not fed properly.
A typical hammer mill feeder is expected to meet following requirements.
The feeder must provide a "UNIFORM CURTAIN" of materials to hammer mill grinding chamber.
This curtain of material must be fed FULL WIDTH across the Grinding chamber of hammer mill.
Our latest designed Rotary vane type Hammer Mill Feeder has following features:
Simple Feeder
Pocket Feeder
Conventional vane type feeder has 6 or 8 vanes across the width of grinding chamber which has the drawback of feeding in slugs that causes uneven feeding
But our modified feeder has long vanes converted into multiple cups that provide instead of 6 discharge points to 24 or more depending on size, which results more even feed rate and distribution of material across full width of mill intake.
Feeder Drive Panel:
In this variable frequency drive (VFD) is used to control the speed of feeder .It has following features:
In auto mode VFD controls the feeding rate automatically with respect to load of main motor. This drive communicates the "Load" or "Amperage" of Hammer Mill main drive motor to the feeder motor to adjust the feeder speed. This ensures that the feeder does not supply the mill more material than Hammer Mill main drive motor can tolerate. In Manual Mode, we can control feeding manually through a potentiometer.
Incase of any major problem in electronic Feeder Drive Panel , we have provided a direct mechanical bye pass mechanism which allows gravity feeding through slide gate control to keep the plant running.
Full Width self cleaning type magnets with collection tray provided to prevent iron thrash entering the mill .